St. Lawrence St. Condominiums
St. Lawrence St., Portland, Maine
5 Residential Condominiums
Project completed-2000

This project was one of the first condo conversions of the recent Portland real estate boom. It was watched closely as a model for redevelopment of historically interesting buildings into modern use. Shortly after this project the condo conversion floodgates opened. One side of this Greek Revival Duplex had been converted to 3 flats in the 1920’s with an addition and extensive renovations. The other side was still occupied by the daughter of the renovator and was in close to original condition. Original features were restored throughout including rebuilding all the doublehung windows. All new mechanical systems, kitchens and baths were installed.

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Random Orbit, Inc. • Peter Bass • 795 Congress Street • Portland, Maine 04102 • • 207.772.6005