Parkside Studios
Former Sacred Heart School
Sherman and Mellon Streets
Portland, Maine
8 Artist Live/Work Limited Equity Condominiums
Construction Complete
Parkside Studios is being developed in partnership with the City of Portland. Random Orbit’s experience developing artist live/work condos and our willingness to explore new ownership models, led us to be selected through a Request For Proposal process to work with the City to redevelop The Sacred Heart School into artist live/work condominiums. The shared goal of the partnership is to develop units under market value that will be affordable to qualified artists with income at 80% of median income for the Portland area, These units will be owned by artists and affordable at this income range in perpetuity. In the past we have tried to make our condos affordable through adaptive reuse of distressed properties, pushing the density and using creative but simple architectural detail. Permanent artist ownership and affordability are goals that as a private developer we could only achieve with a public/private partnership and we are excited about working with the City on this unique project.
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